Scinawa Polska and sandals
4.5. Kotowice - Scinawa Polska
5.5. still Scinawa Polska
Dear friends,
with the view from the window I see the Oder . Fantastic. Only about 3-4-5 days I'm on the Oder on the road. Then comes my way east. In total, there are still about 200-250 km to Czestochowa, I will probably arrive there much sooner than expected.
When I returned to the exchange but ex inner German border, I will tell later. Currently, estates
me a day off very well, this would be the right place, but whether that happens is still not clear. On
2.5. I have my new sandals risen . This added bitten the dog of the house evil, so that now my host in the next town to a Schu-maker, and begins an attempt to save the sandals yet. In any case, I brought this fact the possibility to find something to rest, though not yet clear whether it takes a whole day. The place could definitely be unsuitable.
From the mother of the house I reported z.Zeitigen in their function sandals as repair-in-the-way leader. The father of the house is now a German teacher and translator in the economy. Active unortodoxer politician without a car, always go by bike or train and has applied for the next election for the European Parliament, is a relatively unattractive place list, but hopes to move up in the course of the legislative period. The daughter is super good at languages and speaks 6 languages. In the room of the absent son's, I slept last night.
The talks with the Poles continue to gain in depth . It's almost as if I am continuing the talks with a person, the interlocutor actually change daily.
for my intentions, healing, peace, understanding und Versoehnung finde ich mehr und mehr wohlwollendes Gehoer.
Alles Liebe Euch und vielen herzlichen Dank fuer jede Form Eurer Beteiligung.
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