Monday, June 14, 2010

Trauma And The Twisted Bowel

I'm back here

Soo, first Hi together

After much too long absence due to problems in the private sector, I will again take off with my right e-business!

I had earlier posted schonmal some lyrics that I have myself just now finished reading level and even for me, now you sound like cheap advertising texts' -.- Sorry for that!

Since the actually not my original goal (and certainly not the purpose of a blog) was will change the future.

I will be here in a more or less regular intervals, my experiences in and around the post making money on the web.

first time an update: With MyStoryMarketing to be (A program by Dennis Koray, which I had previously mentioned in the blog already), I have nothing more on his hat. Not because it is frivolous, but in my opinion not really helpful but more confusing than newcomers in Onlinebiz. On the e-book from him but I take you back again and again when it comes to the topic of creating promotional videos.

My status at the moment:

member of an online university for affiliate marketing. What exactly is an affiliate glossary - cost (for me) 39 $ per month (for new users $ 96) for membership / hosting space / tools / huge forum / affiliate program etc.pp

member of GDI - cost $ 10 / month for membership, your own domain, hosting space, affiliate program (Multi-stage, so-called MLM)

So are running costs of 49 $ / month, but eliminated the $ 39 will be once I have completed all courses and enough browsed the forum.

Other e-books or courses on this subject I shall not buy, because my membership met at the University of my thirst for knowledge in every respect and I do not (more) to the "fast" money with an "out of the box" system can believe.

I am due to everything I've learned about marketing on the Internet with confidence that I expect within a year from today, all my money from home can earn from! How accurate and how well that works out, also I will keep you up to date here.

I'll go every now and then to estimate more precisely to specific techniques such as Keywortoptimierung, competition, make effective promotional videos, etc. pp.

So then, I hope it reads :-)


Affiliate - partner earns the money by selling a product of someone else (in offline life such as free insurance agent on commission basis)

Marketing - A specific product apply

MLM (Multi Level Marketing) - For many people a bad word, because MLM is often equated with the familiar pyramid scheme. I can assure you, this is not true. It is a bit complicated to explain, but I will soon make a video about it for my site (where hats Meanwhile, a written version) and it also upload.

Domain - A web address such as (my homepage)

Hosting / Webspace - The place for data that show you in his web address (domain) wants to


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